Tasarım sürecinde müşterilerimizle birlikte hareket ederek eksiksiz, üretilebilir ve yenilikçi ürünler geliştiriyoruz. Tasarladığımız kullanıcı dostu ve yenilikçi ürünler sayesinde pazarda rekabet edebilme avantajı sağlıyoruz.
Tasarım sürecinde müşterilerimizle birlikte hareket ederek eksiksiz, üretilebilir ve yenilikçi ürünler geliştiriyoruz. Tasarladığımız kullanıcı dostu ve yenilikçi ürünler sayesinde pazarda rekabet edebilme avantajı sağlıyoruz.
Hızlı 3D Prototip ile zamanı verimli, işlevsel ve güvenilir fonksiyonlu prototipleri elde edersiniz. Bu sayede gelişim sırasında problemler ve zayıflıklar tespit edilir, tasarım veya fonksiyon buna göre dijital olarak değiştirilebilir. 3d yazıcılar ile hızlı prototipleme bileşenleri, projeleri adım adım gerçekleştirmek için kullanılırken, aynı zamanda son üründeki hata kaynakları riskini ve dolayısıyla yatırım riskini en aza indirir.
Mühendislik hizmetleri; her projenin taslak aşamasından, yürütülmesine ve tamamlanmasına kadar tüm proje yaşam döngüsü boyunca etkin bir şekilde çalışır ve firmalara uzmanlık sağlar. Mühendislik hizmetleri; her projenin taslak aşamasından, yürütülmesine ve tamamlanmasına kadar tüm proje yaşam döngüsü boyunca etkin bir şekilde çalışır ve firmalara uzmanlık sağlar.
In designing and developing the products that the company offers to the clients, aside from doing the necessary market research, we try to understand all the points such as how the product looks, how it works, and how its usage is. As a result of our research, we design and develop products that attract attention with their flawless production specifications and design.
Arrangements made to a certain degree provide the space with an eye-catching and remarkable appearance. That’s why the concept is so crucial. Before starting to design the product, the concept must be defined. The material and product selection made in this direction are the next steps of the concept design process. E.g., If you want to adopt a minimal concept, you can create your dream theme by defining innovative, functional, and modern decoration as much as possible. The most significant danger that can cause failure in concept designs is repetition. Therefore, repeating functions lose their visual appeal, and it is necessary to continue to produce different and innovative ideas for products with the same concept. As the Designnobis team, we try to understand the manufacturer’s needs and carry out the necessary design work with great care and attention to get ahead in marketing
At this stage, we make our design according to the researches and the plannings. We plan the construction phases of the design step by step and ensure that the process progresses in a dynamic and orderly manner. We use plans, drawings, graphics, three-dimensional models, symbols, and technical information during the construction. We pay attention to the processes of obtaining the appropriate material, selecting the tools, creating a work schedule, calculating the cost, and evaluating the design.
As a result of the work we have done, we analyze to what extent our designs solve the problem determined at the beginning and whether they supply the needs of the user and the manufacturer. We test whether the product we produce solves the identified problem and assess its performance. We also evaluate the design in terms of being aesthetic, original, functional, feasible, and sustainable. We make an evaluation with the team and try to find answers to the following questions:
1- Has the problem identified at the beginning been resolved?
2- Does it supply user needs?
3- How suitable are the joining and shaping methods?
4- What are the pros and cons of the materials used?